35 Things They Refuse To Teach You In High School That You Learn Pretty Much Immediately In College

    Sometimes, ya gotta nap.

    Once you start college, you'll learn...

    1. Things will fly. Oh, they'll fly:

    every high school teacher: that shit won’t fly in college

    that shit in college: 🦅🛫🦉🐝🦇🚀🛸🚁

    — Bleek Gilliam 🎺😎 (@Choppayoung89) August 3, 2023
    Twitter: @Choppayoung89

    2. The tuba will open a lot of doors:

    Meme with text exchange about lowering a 20,000 dollar payment by playing the tuba for a 60% discount

    3. 8 a.m. is way too early:

    tumblr post about never taking an 8am class

    4. Post-skip depression is real:

    Y’all ever skip class and then have the post skip class depression? Like damn i should’ve just went

    — Keylan M. Chapman (@Dtxmarcellee) February 5, 2019
    Twitter: @Dtxmarcellee

    5. Assigned seats are a state of mind:

    High school: "Assigned seating is so dumb."

    College: "Why is he sitting in my seat? That's my seat... I sit there everyday.”

    — Courtney Jonaitis (@c_jonaitis) January 22, 2021
    Twitter: @c_jonaitis

    6. Your group will always betray you:

    Welcome to college. Where every single person is smarter than you except for the 3 people in your group project.

    — Casey Wright 🍉 (@WrightToLife) October 11, 2018
    Twitter: @WrightToLife

    7. You will forget something very, very important:

    Meme expressing that college isn't better than high school due to stress about missed online quizzes

    8. Every dollar is well spent:

    "How do you describe college?"

    I'm teaching myself a class that I'm paying for.

    — kishan solanki (@Kishan_388) December 10, 2023
    Twitter: @Kishan_388

    9. You gotta take a nap:

    Tweet by user GabbbbRosee sharing a memory of high school productivity versus college fatigue, unable to take a shower

    10. You NEED to be specific:

    "Write about an entire religion. I don't even care which one but if you make me read more than 3 pages I will end my shit."

    11. Liquor bottles are not a decoration:

    to whoever needed to see this:
    throw away your empty liquor bottles, they’re not decor

    — COMIC DOCTOR 🇿🇼👩‍⚕️ (@tavonga_chinez) June 15, 2021
    Twitter: @tavonga_chinez

    12. You're gonna live in mystery:

    Tweet reading, "High school students worry about grades... Imagine not knowing your grade for an entire semester in a class you are paying for"

    13. Your schedule will be super, super tight:

    Tweet describing a college student's procrastination schedule, from having much work at 4pm to calling it ridiculous by 11pm

    14. Sometimes, you just gotta leave:

    Yesterday a girl walked into class with an iced coffee and my prof told her she couldn’t have it so she just walked out and never came back and I can’t stop thinking about it

    — Rachel Walters (@rachelhelenw) January 31, 2019
    Twitter: @rachelhelenw

    15. Professors are super straight shooters:

    "Not that anyone ever comes, but Office Hours are cancelled today."

    16. The smallest things matter:

    A screenshot of a humorous tweet about college rejection based on a past grade, with two people conversing

    17. All the Wi-Fi network names in dorms will give you great joy:

    Screen shot of Wi-Fi names

    18. Nothing bonds two people closer than a late night Google doc rendezvous:

    When you see another classmate on the same google doc at 2 am pic.twitter.com/f5ZBFTddBV

    — Jeffery Werkins (@JefferyWerkins) March 20, 2021
    Twitter: @JefferyWerkins

    19. Someone is always going to be more confused than you:

    Tweet reading, "This freshman was like 'I cant find my class' and we looked at his schedule and he's at the wrong school"

    20. There are two types of professors:

    tumblr post about the two types of college professors, one who is strict and one who is not

    21. Sometimes, a 52 is a-ok:

    My first college test I got a 68 and actually cried in the classroom.

    Today I got a 52 on an exam and I took myself out for chicken tenders

    — gabbi (@thisbegrm) October 26, 2017
    Twitter: @thisbegrm

    22. The unexplainable will happen:

    tumblr post about someone thinking a random person was their professor but it was just a random person

    23. Professors will just straight up be on another planet:

    our professor was 20 minutes into lecture before realizing 1. he wasn’t sharing his slides 2. he wasn’t recording the lecture 3. he had his computer muted so he couldn’t hear us 4. wasn’t checking the chat and 5. had his phone on silent so the TAs couldn’t get ahold of him hahaha

    — javi (@jcove__) March 12, 2020
    Twitter: @jcove__

    24. It's way better than middle school:

    tumblr post about how much better college is than middle school

    25. Not everyone finds what they're looking for:

    How do people find their soul mate in the first 2 months of college it took me 4 months just to find the administration building

    — Julia (@julliiab) January 21, 2016
    Twitter: @julliiab

    26. It's the weird people who have it together:

    It’s funny how in high school we judged everyone but in college you see someone riding past you on a razor scooter wearing a Snuggie and it’s like “ that is a smart man”

    — 𝕾𝖊𝖗𝖌𝖎𝖔 𝕯𝖊𝖑𝖌𝖆𝖉𝖔 (@_supersergio) September 20, 2023
    Twitter: @_supersergio

    27. Professors will vary widely:

    tumblr post about how if a professor brags about their class being hard its a red flag

    28. People really don't care:

    a tip for everyone starting their freshman year of college soon: nobody cares about you. did u just trip in front of a few people? no one gives a shit. are u lost? don’t be afraid to ask a random person. no one cares. about anything. we’re all dead here.

    — Akshay Singh Thakur (@st_akshay) February 23, 2018
    Twitter: @st_akshay

    29. Parking will be your number one enemy:

    Parents need to stop encouraging their kids to go to college because there is just not enough parking to go around

    — The Common Man (@tcm97) July 16, 2018
    Twitter: @tcm97

    30. "Office hours" has a flexible meaning:

    Tweet by user @beharnee criticizes college students rewatching The Office instead of attending study hours

    31. The most wonderful time of year is also the most stressful:

    going to school inbetween thanksgiving and christmas break feels like the last lap in mario kart where the music is all fast and gets really stressful

    — hannah (@supersendsauce) November 26, 2018
    Twitter: @supersendsauce

    32. High school numbers don't matter anymore:

    some kid in the library is bragging loudly about how he got a 35 on the ACT well sir I signed up for the ACT but forgot I did and missed the test and we still ended up at the same school how does that make you feel

    — s*d (@06fordexplorer) March 3, 2019
    Twitter: @06fordexplorer

    33. Your dreams ain't comin' true:

    The girl next to me is talking on the phone and says “my first day of classes as a freshman is over, isn’t it crazy that in just 4 years I’ll be working at my dream job” ....should I tell her?

    — Lexi (@alexuslemasters) August 14, 2018
    Twitter: @alexuslemasters

    34. Professors are one of two ways:

    half of college professors are like “you can know nothing about me except my name” and the other half are like “and that’s why my wife left me! anyway what’s up with y’all”

    — lesbian mothman 🇵🇸 (@verysmallriver) November 1, 2018
    Twitter: @verysmallriver

    35. And passing is all that really matters:

    Me in HS: yeah I’m involved in 16 clubs, have a 4.0 and I’m on 4 sports teams

    Me now: so good news, I’m passing

    — JackJerry (@jack_jerry07) April 3, 2019
    Twitter: @jack_jerry07